by BJ | Apr 24, 2013 | Bible Studies

photo courtesy of precept ministries international
Do you ever feel like the news is NEVER good?
The terror in Boston, MA. The explosions in West, TX. The poison Ricin that was mailed to the President and a Congressman. North Korea threatening, Syria falling, and Iran going nuclear. Everywhere you turn it seems someone has a serious illness, is getting laid off, or is losing their home. Each day seems to bring fresh reasons for fear. Fear may have even taken a foothold in your life.
The real question is, can you even imagine a life without fear? Fear will always be a part of our life, but it doesn’t have to control us. In Jesus, we have the all powerful, sovereign Lord over all creation and all of life’s circumstances.
If you have ever gasped for breath, been paralyzed unable to move forward in life or felt the hair on your neck stand on end as the result of having been gripped by fear’s icy fingers, please continue reading in order to break free from fears or to help someone else break free. Click here to read more — >
by BJ | Jan 30, 2013 | Bible Studies, Life
It was a beautiful day, the rain had stopped, the sky was clear and a magnificent rainbow filled the sky. They were no longer cooped up with all those animals and the fresh air was a sweet perfume to their nostrils. And if that was not enough, God spoke a blessing over Noah and his family, “Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the earth”. Noah built an altar and worshiped God. Life was good! (more…)
by BJ | Jan 11, 2013 | Life
“I have always found that mercy bears richer fruits than strict justice.”
Abraham Lincoln, speech in Washington D.C., 1865
…mercy triumphs over judgment. – James 2:13
In Christianity it seems there is always a struggle between grace and law, between those who are merciful and those who demand strict justice. This balance between judgment and mercy seems hard to find in our modern world. The Apostle Paul gave us the balance in Scripture. But since he emphasized it often, we are left with the impression that the first century church didn’t quite grasp it either and was always in need of a reminder. (more…)
by BJ | Oct 31, 2012 | Life

The media has called it Frankenstorm, the meteorologists have named her Sandy and others are calling it the Perfect Storm. Frankenstorm churned in from the sea. The hurricane was on a collision course with a winter storm and a cold front, and high tides from a full moon made it a rare hybrid storm that could be felt all the way to the Great Lakes. (more…)
by BJ | Aug 20, 2012 | Life

As I mentioned in an earlier blog post, my word for the year is “First”. So since last Monday was the first day of school for many students here in Chattanooga, I thought a blog about the First Day of School was the order of the day.
I no longer have children in school, but there is something about the first day of school that evokes memories of those “good old fashion school days” and giddiness envelops me. I love walking the school supply aisles at Target and Walmart, I am a sucker for all things “school supply”. The smell of crayons and paste immediately transport me back to days gone by. Notebooks, spiral binders, folders and notebook paper at irresistible prices tempt the weak to become hoarders. Black & White Composition books are long gone and they now come in all the colors of the rainbow. #2 pencils and BIC pens are now overshadowed by a myriad of choices: disposable or refillable; roller ball, fountain, gel; fine, medium or extra fine point; and again every color of the rainbow.
Sorry, like I said I am a sucker for school supplies. But this post is not about school supplies, it’s about the thoughts of a few students and mothers in regard to the first day of school. So, lets see what they have to say. (more…)