I’m BJ and I’m glad you stopped by and checked out my blog! Before I tell you more about me I want to share with you a few things that I am very passionate about:
- Seeing my generation and the generation behind me making Christ known to all who see their lives. All throughout the Bible you see the phrase so they will know that I am God and I am convinced we are to do just that.
- Seeing others engage Jesus in Bible study and in life. I love connecting with people and seeing them connect with God in such a way that He invades every aspect of their life.
- Teaching the word in a way people understand it and their lives are transformed. There is nothing like the look of hope reflected in their eyes when they get it.
- Loving God and Loving others after all, isn’t that what it is all about?
Now more about me
I have been married to my best friend, David, for 41 years. I have to admit we weren’t always best friends and in fact there were some pretty rocky years in there. We were not believers for about the first 5 years of our relationship. When we came to Christ things didn’t just “become a bed of roses” overnight, there were many years of struggle in different capacities. It was during those times of struggle that we grew in our relationship with Christ and with each other.
God placed me in many arenas which have given me a wealth of experience to draw from when reaching out to others. I’ve been in the military, been a policeman’s wife, a pastor’s wife, and worked to put my husband through school. My husband and I worked together in Student Ministry for over 20 years – pouring into the next generation.
I have had the opportunity to teach people how to study their Bible and to travel extensively in the US and overseas. I have had the privilege of going places and meeting people I never ever dreamed of and have seen God do some pretty amazing things.
I am the mother of two great daughters who love the Lord and are serving him. I have 2 wonderful son in laws and 8 amazing grandchildren ranging in age from 3 to 24 years old!
God has taught me a lot about being real in life and with Him. That is why I am writing this blog. I believe I have things God wants me to share from His word and from life that I hope will encourage, motivate and possibly cause us all to stop and think.
I am glad you are here and I would love to engage with you so please make this a two way conversation and tell me what you think.