We are embarking on a new adventure!
We are embarking on a new adventure!
After working with Precept Ministries since 1987, full time for the last 18 years, God has called us to leave and begin a new adventure. So, with Kay’s blessing, David and I will be joining the team of Hope and Help International as Co-Directors of Ministry Development.
Hope and Help International focuses on training and equipping national pastors in rural India. Working with and supporting national pastors also means supporting their ministry projects such as church planting among unreached people groups, taking care of orphans, village schools, and widow ministries.
We will also work producing Bible studies, teaching, and networking with churches and ministries here in the US.
Our story with Hope and Help International
The first time we were in India I was overwhelmed by two things, the poverty and the number of people. I remember thinking to myself there is not enough money in the world to solve the problem of poverty in India. I was right.
Then we met several Indian pastors, about 500 of them, along with their wives. They were poor and powerless by the world’s standards. But as we talked and prayed together we saw something that caught us completely off guard. They were full of hope and joy.
In that moment, when the Spirit of God in us bore witness with the Spirit of God in them, we found it. We found the hope of India.
The hope for India was and is the national pastor who loves the Lord with all of his heart and does not love his own life at all.
These men and women possessed the one thing that could change the despair, the hopelessness of the world we were standing in, the gospel of Jesus Christ. But, they were poorly trained and under educated. They had zeal and passion but they needed to be equipped. They needed someone to invest in their lives and equip them for the work of the ministry.
One of the pastors moved into this village of unreached people. As a result of his preaching the gospel this woman came to know Christ! You can see it in her face.
We saw God at work and we felt God drawing us to join Him in His work with Hope and Help International.
Over the last few years we have returned to India several times. Each time God has confirmed to us the calling to invest in the lives of these men and women the way we invested in promising young men and women during the twenty years we were responsible for Transform Student Ministry. So, it was no surprise when God led us to leave Precept Ministries and join the HHI team.
This is a new adventure for us in a lot of different ways. One of which is, we are required to raise our own support. We have seen God provide miraculously and abundantly over the years and we know that where He guides, He provides. So, we are excited, not anxious, about what He is going to do.
Would you please pray for us, and with us? We need prayer partners who will come along side and intercede as we make this move, and as we work with Hope and Help International. We believe a praying team is essential!
How can you join in the adventure?
If God leads you to partner with us and with Hope and Help International financially you can send support to the following address.
Hope and Help International
PO Box 23232
Chattanooga, TN 37422
Attention: David Lawson
Or you can donate on line at https://www.hopeandhelpinternational.org , select “special needs“(ha ha, yes we are) and “other.” In the comment box please mention David or BJ Lawson.
Hope and Help International is a 501c3 and all of your donations are tax deductible.
Speaking Engagements
To invite either David or BJ for an event or teaching/speaking engagement or just to keep in contact with us
David – DavidLLawson@gmail.com
Thank you for considering partnering with us. You can be a part of what God is doing to equip pastors, teach women, children and widows and to reach unreached unengaged people groups in Southeast Asia!
Please feel free to contact either of us if you have further questions.
10,000 Blessings,
David and BJ Lawson
We would LOVE to engage in a conversation with you! Please ask your questions in the comment box, others may have the same questions and it will help others see what God is doing in India!