People are NOT for Sale!
Each February many Shine a Light on Slavery. They will be donning a red X on their hand, taking a selfie showing their red X, posting it on their social media pages and tagging it #enditmovement, to let everyone know that slavery still exists and they won’t be a part of it!
Why? Because they want to be a part of something larger than themselves and they want to make a difference in the world! We want slavery to end!
END IT is a great organization and many influential people are building their teams to help raise money to make others aware. Their Coalition Partners are working to bring AWARENESS, PREVENTION, RESCUE, and RESTORATION.
Did you know?
Estimates say 21-36 million people are enslaved worldwide!
Slavery: being forced to work without pay, under the threat of violence, and being unable to walk away.
Slavery is a $160 billion industry
78% of slavery victims are in labor slavery
22% of slavery victims are in sex slavery
55% of slavery victims are women and girls
45% of slavery victims are men and boys
26% of slavery victims are children under the age of 18
Slavery wears many faces: debt bondage, bonded labor, organ harvesting, domestic slaves, sex slaves, child labor
India has the largest number of people in slavery – 14 million!
A couple of years ago Senator Bob Corker enlisted Peyton Manning, Todd Helton and his Chief of Staff (and friend of ours) Todd Womack.
As a matter of fact in 2015 Senator Bob Corker announced a bold, bipartisan legislation to create a focused, sustained effort to eliminate sexual and labor slavery worldwide, the End Slavery Initiative. (You will want to click on this link and share it) He isn’t simply putting a red X on his hand and posting selfies, he’s taking action!
Hope and Help International is also taking action! We are on the ground in South Asia working to prevent slavery of all kinds. Don’t miss future posts where I will highlight some of the ways we are participating in this global movement to abolish slavery.
So, you’re sporting a red X on your hand, you have posted your selfie making your friends and the world aware of slavery and the need to abolish it. Now what are you going to do?
Good intentions don’t change things. Be intentional, take action!
Join the fight by helping us change lives and bring hope to those in India, by helping those who can’t help themselves! For more information hopeandhelpinternational.org