Holy Week – The journey has begun

Holy Week – The journey has begun

It is the week right before we celebrate Easter or Resurrection Sunday. During this time many churches pause to remember the suffering and death of Jesus through various traditions and worship services. 

The reason I chose to write this blog, is that it is easy to be so focused on the celebrations, the pageants and musicals etc. about the long awaited King on Palm Sunday and the resurrection of Jesus on Easter, that we totally miss the suffering, humiliation and death that are all part of Holy Week.

In fact, when was the last time you spent the week reading about the events that took place prior to Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection?

It is important that we place the hope of the Resurrection and the promise of new life, against the background of death. As you walk through the shadows and darkness of Holy Week and Good Friday, only then do you really grasp the horror and magnitude of sin and its consequences. Only then can you fully understand the light and hope of Sunday morning!

Riding a donkey Jesus began His journey to Jerusalem. Even in the midst of the praises of the crowds, He had His eye on the cross on which He would be crucified at the end of the week.

In the hope of fully grasping Jesus’ sacrifice at Calvary and to embrace the hope that belongs to all believers as a result, each day we will look at the events which led up to the His death.

To make it easier to find each blog, I have added links below for each day of Holy Week.

Daily blog readings

Sunday – The Journey Begins

Monday – Jesus Destroys the Robbers Den

Tuesday – Looking for the Safe Answer

Wednesday – Extravagant Love

Thursday – The Third Cup, Redemption

Friday – The Darkest Dark

Sunday – He is Risen!

The Journey to the Cross Begins!

The Journey to the Cross Begins!

Today is the start of Holy Week, the week right before we celebrate Easter or Resurrection Sunday. During this time many churches pause to remember the suffering and death of Jesus through various traditions and worship services.  (more…)

All Things New

All Things New

For the past several years in my prayer time at the end of December, God has given me a specific word for the upcoming year. It has been interesting to see how significant that word was throughout the year. This year God gave me the word “NEW” and, with that He gave me a glimpse of what some of those new things would be.

  • New Year – this one seems obvious but only on the surface. I knew we were beginning a new year but I have yet to see all that is hidden beneath the surface.
  • New jobs – we are still with Precept Ministries International. However, as of the beginning of the year we are now on the Social Media Team in the Marketing Department. You got it, all things are new as we learn all about Facebook, Twitter and other social media forums.
  • New blognew look, new posts and hopefully new followers. Unfortunately it has taken me 4 months to roll it out, but here and it is new to you!
  • New milestones – anniversaries, stages of life, new life etc.


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