Holy Week – The journey has begun

Holy Week – The journey has begun

It is the week right before we celebrate Easter or Resurrection Sunday. During this time many churches pause to remember the suffering and death of Jesus through various traditions and worship services. 

The reason I chose to write this blog, is that it is easy to be so focused on the celebrations, the pageants and musicals etc. about the long awaited King on Palm Sunday and the resurrection of Jesus on Easter, that we totally miss the suffering, humiliation and death that are all part of Holy Week.

In fact, when was the last time you spent the week reading about the events that took place prior to Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection?

It is important that we place the hope of the Resurrection and the promise of new life, against the background of death. As you walk through the shadows and darkness of Holy Week and Good Friday, only then do you really grasp the horror and magnitude of sin and its consequences. Only then can you fully understand the light and hope of Sunday morning!

Riding a donkey Jesus began His journey to Jerusalem. Even in the midst of the praises of the crowds, He had His eye on the cross on which He would be crucified at the end of the week.

In the hope of fully grasping Jesus’ sacrifice at Calvary and to embrace the hope that belongs to all believers as a result, each day we will look at the events which led up to the His death.

To make it easier to find each blog, I have added links below for each day of Holy Week.

Daily blog readings

Sunday – The Journey Begins

Monday – Jesus Destroys the Robbers Den

Tuesday – Looking for the Safe Answer

Wednesday – Extravagant Love

Thursday – The Third Cup, Redemption

Friday – The Darkest Dark

Sunday – He is Risen!

Jesus Destroys the Robber’s Den

Jesus Destroys the Robber’s Den

On Sunday Jesus rode into Jerusalem, not on the back of a powerful prancing white stallion, but on the embarrassingly humble and small back of a donkey. He came in to Jerusalem that day just as Zechariah promised almost 550 years earlier (Zechariah 9:9). That evening He returned to Bethany, probably to the home of Lazarus (John 12:1).

The next morning Jesus walked back into Jerusalem, back into the Temple area.

It is Monday of Holy Week.

Three years prior Jesus had opened His public ministry with a scene very similar to this one. (John 2:13–25) The business men of the Temple had encountered the angry Jesus. That day Jesus’ cry was “Stop making my Father’s house a place of business!” Now towards the end of His life He cleansed the Temple for the second time! This time it was recorded by Matthew, Mark and Luke.

Why drive out the business men?

Once again the temple is defiled by the “religious business” of the leaders. They had turned the court of the Gentiles into a place where foreign Jews could exchange money and purchase sacrifices. What had begun as a service of convenience for visiting Jews soon turned into a lucrative business. The dealers charged exorbitant prices and no one could compete with them or oppose them.

The exchanging of local currencies for money that could be used to pay the annual Temple tax had become quite a money making operation with the High Priest himself getting a percentage of the profit.

Animals for sacrifice were also sold in the Temple area. Animals used for sacrifices had to be free from any blemish or imperfection. And of course all of the animals sold in the Temple area were “guaranteed” to be acceptable by the priests for sacrifice. The priests of course received a percentage of the profits. Some of the lambs being sold were from the priest’s flocks, raised outside of Bethlehem.

The court of the Gentiles in the temple allowed the Gentiles (non-Jews) an opportunity to enter the temple area and learn from Israel about the true God. They were permitted to go in it but were forbidden to go any further than the outer court. The entire Temple area was considered holy, but it became increasingly more holy as one entered farther in east to west.

The presence of this “religious market” turned many Gentiles who may have been seeking, away from the witness of Israel. The court of the Gentiles was used for mercenary business, not missionary business.

And He said to them, “It is written, ‘MY HOUSE SHALL BE CALLED A HOUSE OF PRAYER’; but you are making it a ROBBERS’ DEN.” (Matthew 21:13)

By calling the temple My house, Jesus was affirming that He is God.

Jesus is quoting Isaiah 56:7 where God declares that one day gentiles will come and worship with joy and prayer at the temple. Actually it was part of a long sermon that Jeremiah delivered in the gate of the temple, rebuking the people for the same sins that Jesus saw and judged that day.

Jesus called the temple a den of robbers because the place where robbers hide is called a den. The religious leaders, and some of the people, were using the temple and the “Jewish religion” to cover up their sins.

Ironically the only place the gentiles were allowed to pray and worship in Jesus’ day was the outer court where buying and selling had taken over.

One has to wonder how many gentiles seeking after the true God were turned away by the noise, and the greed at the edge of the temple.

What does God want in His house?

Prayer among His people (1 Tim. 2:1ff).

Real prayer is an evidence of our dependence on God and our faith in His Word.

People being helped (Matt. 21:14).

The needy should feel welcome and should find the kind of help they need.

Power in God’s house

The power of God working to bring new life and to change people into the image of His Son!

Praise is another feature of God’s house (Matt. 21:15–16). Here Jesus quotes Psalm 8:2

Something to think about

  • What about us today? If Jesus were walking around our churches what are we doing that would offend Him because it is driving away people who are seeking Him?
  • What about you? As a believer your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 3:16-17). What activity is going on in your life that may be keeping others from getting to know Jesus?

Readings for Monday of Holy Week

  • Matthew 21:12-16
  • Mark 11:15-18
  • Luke 19:45-48
  • Isaiah 56:1-8

It is my prayer that as we focus on the events leading up to the cross that you can fully grasp the magnitude of sin and its consequences in order to fully understand the light and hope of Sunday morning!

I would love to start a conversation of what God shows you as a result of taking this journey with us this week! You can do that by writing in the comment box!

The Journey to the Cross Begins!

The Journey to the Cross Begins!

Today is the start of Holy Week, the week right before we celebrate Easter or Resurrection Sunday. During this time many churches pause to remember the suffering and death of Jesus through various traditions and worship services.  (more…)

Post Resurrection Sunday, So What?

Post Resurrection Sunday, So What?

Chattz,Chattanooga Coffee Co,hope and help international,

It’s post Resurrection Sunday.

The squeals of delight at the discovery of a candy filled treasure have drifted away in the gentle spring breeze like the white fuzz of a dandelion. The only evidence left behind is an overlooked egg hiding in the tall grass.

The pageantry and programs with all their pomp and circumstance are packed away for another year.

Easter finery, so carefully chosen as adornment worthy of royals for this most hallowed day of the Christian calendar, is now deemed common hanging alongside apparel of the every day. (more…)

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