Ode to a Daughter
Today you are 32 years old!
I am thankful for the special gift God gave us 32 years ago! You captured the hearts of everyone you came in contact with since the day you were born! From your earliest years you considered everyone you met to be your friend. You love God with all your heart, strength and mind and you love others as yourself! What more could a mother ask for?
You’ve invested love into the lives of many who: loved the Lord and wanted to grow, were going thru some very difficult circumstances, walked away from the Lord, were searching, were needing to be rescued and the list goes on!
You’ve entertained us with your antics, stories, recounting of dreams and misuse of words like; hysterectomy, mammogram and condiments.
You’ve taught us how to enjoy life, be a better parent, love deeply, stand firm in hard times, glorify God and much more!
God created you uniquely you! In a world where many strive to fit in, you intentionally set out to learn who you were both in Him and in His creation of you so that you could serve Him more fully. He created you with
A huge personality. You came into this world with a huge personality which many have mistaken as a strong will. You come from “pioneer” stock, according to the personality tests you are a high I and a high D (which means you are: Enthusiastic, independent, confident, self motivated, an influencer, with persuasive communication skills). Combine that with the spiritual gifts of prophecy and discernment and this combination can be very intimidating to many and they will try to cram you into their box. Don’t let them do that. God is the one who wired you this way so that you can accomplish the plans and purposes He has for you since before the foundation of the world.
Identity in Christ. You are chosen, adopted, redeemed, forgiven, have an inheritance and are sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise to be the praise ofHis glory! Embrace that with your whole heart and continue to honor and glorify Him! Don’t ever forget who you are!
You have made us proud. You have studied God’s word and determined to live by it. You have stood firm when the enemy tried to destroy you and understood that God would use it to refine and strengthen you. You have not lost heart, nor turned away. God gave you a vision for Become weekends for girls and you developed a 7 year program that has impacted girls both here and in India!
Since you were born we prayed. We prayed you would
love God and His word with all your heart and you do.
keep yourself pure and you did.
make an impact for the kingdom and you have literally made a global impact!
marry a man who loves God with his whole heart, soul and mind, and you have.
You are not perfect but you are allowing God to conform you into the image of His Son. One day you will hear Him say “Well done my good and faithful servant. ” Dad and I are extremely proud of you and have enjoyed watching your journey thus far!
I will be eagerly watching to see where God takes you on your journey from here!
Love you! Happy Birthday!